This review paper focuses on the genetic contribution, in particular, the association\nof Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism to lipid abnormality and\nsubsequent acute coronary syndrome in Han Chinese of China. Many researches\nhave been published pertaining the influence of ApoE gene polymorphism\non coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia and the response of statin\nin Han Chinese. Most of the studies in Han Chinese like other populations\ndemonstrated that ApoE 4 allele genetically predisposes coronary artery disease,\nacute coronary syndrome, severity of occlusion of coronary artery and\nhigher incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (In Han Chinese,\nApoE allele carriers demonstrated 85% increase in major adverse cardiovascular\nevents (MACE) in six months follow up). In addition, ApoE4 allele carrier\nalso showed both increased in LDL level and decrease response to statin\ntherapy in dyslipidemic Han Chinese. On the other hand, ApoE2 carrier is\nscavenger of cholesterol and triglyceride from the blood; thus it is cardiovascular-\nprotective. Despite positive relationship between ApoE gene polymorphism\nand cardiovascular pathologies, prognostic outcome and resistance to\nintervention, this area of research still requires extensive investigation in Han\nChinese. Because, several other studies revealed either negative effect or\nshowed no effect by ApoE gene polymorphism on cardiovascular disease.\nSome of the causes of such debatable results could be explained by factors\nsuch as diminutive frequency allele and expression of ApoE gene in coronary\nheart disease. This part of the research yet requires extensive study with bulkier\nsample size and retrospective in nature, in order to ascertain the influ- ence of ApoE genotype on lipid, anti-hyperlipidemic agent and coronary\nheart disease. Such studies could assist us to confirm whether to test healthier\nsubjects to predict genetic risk of coronary heart disease in Han Chinese population.\nThe aim of this review paper is to critically analyze the effect of ApoE\ngene on the occurrence of coronary heart disease in Han Chinese.